“Learning Generations”

Gallery Discussion and Art Exhibition with Mi’qmak Artist Claudine Purdue

About Claudine Purdue

Meet Claudine Purdue (Mi’kmaq decent), IAIS’ Emerging Artist for 2023. By trade, Claudine was a former classically trained Pastry Chef, through the French Culinary Institute, in NYC. Upon moving to Connecticut, she left that world to explore her personal history in the form of heritage and genealogy. Tracing her maternal lineage deeply into the cultural history and time of Nova Scotia.

Claudine returned to school, first at Manchester Community College and later at the University of Hartford, Hartford Art School as a B.F.A. candidate to explore how to bring the stories she was learning both personally, and through research on paper to life through the oil painting medium. While she did not grow up in Canada, many stories were passed along from her grandmother and it with this exploration that she hopes to honor her ancestors with bringing to life glimpses of what she is learning along the way. She wishes the viewers to feel curiosity, research lost knowledge, and delver deeper into their own untold stories.

Recently completing her senior thesis show in painting, regarding abuses of colonialism. She is currently working on a large body of work, exploring the stories of the Mi’kmaq and Acadiens, individually and together.

November 11th 2:00pm EST


Location: IAIS Museum

38 Curtis Road, Washington, CT, 06793

Learning Generations will be on display through November 23.