IAIS' Annual Archaeology Roundtable
In the twenty-first century, IAIS has held an annual Roundtable on primarily archaeological topics, and current and future Roundtables will expand this focus to include contemporary Indigenous issues, futures, and education for non-Indigenous museum visiters.
These Roundtables have promoted rich scholarly debate between Indigenous (including speakers from local and eastern regional tribes; the Narragansett Indian Tribe, Abenaki Nation, Mohegan Tribe, Lumbee Tribe) and non-Indigenous educators, experts, scholars, community members, and cultural leaders on local landscapes and regional change through time.
Our Roundtables have covered topics from the harms of pseudoscience in archaeology to decolonization of museums. Our Roundtables have resulted in a number of publications including, Decolonizing New England Archaeology and Museum Studies: The Benefits of Multiple Perspectives for Enriching our American Histories and Improving Public Education (U of Arizona Press, forthcoming).
Previous IAIS' Roundtables
This roundtable resulted in a book titled Our Hidden Landscapes: Indigenous Stone Ceremonial Sites in the Northeast by Lucianne Lavin and Elaine Thomas