Dr. Singer is a specialist on the Paleo-Indian period in American history, the earliest known human epoch in Northeastern North America, which followed the end of the Wisconsin glaciation. (Even earlier human settlements have been discovered in unglaciated regions of the Americas.)
In this presentation he will discuss the results of the 2016 and 2017 archaeological excavations at the Templeton site in Washington, Connecticut. Templeton is the oldest known archaeological site in Connecticut; its Paleo-Indian component has been radiocarbon-dated to 11,190 years before the present. It was discovered and originally excavated in the late 1970s by archaeologists from the IAIS museum under the direction of then-Director of Research Dr. Roger Moeller, who published a book on his findings –6LF21: A Paleo-Indian Site in Western Connecticut. IAIS has returned to researching the site in the person of Dr. Singer, who is a Research Associate at the museum.
The recent excavations were facilitated by collaboration among members of the local Washington community, the Litchfield Hills Archaeology Club, the Friends of the Office of State Archaeology, the Norwalk Community College Archaeology Club, New Hampshire SCRAP, archaeology field schools from Western Connecticut State University and the University of Connecticut, and many avocational archaeologists and professional archaeologists. Dr. Singer will present new interpretations of raw material selection and toolstone use, artifact composition, and intra-site patterning in the Paleo-Indian component. Don’t miss this exciting lecture on one of the most significant archaeological sites in the Northeast!
Light refreshments will be served. Public Welcome.