Calvin Hunt is a Kwagu’l (Kwakwaka’wakw) artist living and working in his traditional homelands of Tsakis (Fort Rupert, British Columbia). His reputation for authenticity and artistic excellence spans the globe. Working mainly in totem poles, he also has a wide range of works of art that reflect the power of contemporary Kwakwaka’wakw art, ceremony and spiritually. Teachings from Chiefs, Elders and other artists have contributed to Calvin’s vast knowledge and inspiration. His work includes a recently acquired totem pole in our exhibit We Are Still Here. In addition to creating his own art, he also restores totem poles and shares his culture throughout the world with his dance group, the Copper Maker Dancers.
As one of the featured artists in our Virtual Holiday Market, join Calvin, along with IAIS staff, for a Zoom-based presentation on his traditional carving style and its significance to his culture. This year, we are hosting a Virtual Native American Holiday Market featuring Native artists from throughout the country. Starting November 28th, several Native artists who work with different media will be featured on our website with information on how you can purchase items and artwork from them.
Through a series of virtual presentations scheduled throughout late November and early December of 2020, participating artists will discuss their artwork, and how they use it to express, preserve, and promote their cultural heritage and traditions in the digital age.