Cordage Creation Workshop with Susan Scherf

The Institute for American Indian Studies 38 Curtis Road, Washington, CT, United States

Saturday, July 20th1PM - 3PM For thousands of years, indigenous communities have used natural fibers to make everything from shelter, to fishing equipment, to clothing. Join IAIS Educator and Ecologist […]

Pokanoket Program Day at the Institute for American Indian Studies

The Institute for American Indian Studies 38 Curtis Road, Washington, CT, United States

Saturday, July 27th12PM - 1:30PM Historically, the Pokanoket people have resided in Sowams, also known as "Pokanokick", which is located in present day Rhode Island and Massachusetts. At the time […]

Brick Stitch Beading Workshop with Eva Newell

The Institute for American Indian Studies 38 Curtis Road, Washington, CT, United States

Saturday, July 27th2PM - 4PM For generations, Native peoples have decorated clothing and items with materials found in nature, such as shell, stones, seeds and porcupine quills. In more recent […]

19th Annual Green Corn Festival

Hollow Park Hollow Park, 43 Hollow Road, Woodbury, CT, United States

Sunday, August 11th12PM - 4PMHollow Park, 43 Hollow Road, Woodbury, CT Corn is an integral part of the annual life cycle of Native American people. When the first tender ears […]

Artifact ID Day with IAIS Research Department

The Institute for American Indian Studies 38 Curtis Road, Washington, CT, United States

Saturday, August 24th 1:00PM - 4:00PM Do you have any stone artifacts or Northeastern Native American cultural items? Between 1:00 and 4:00pm, our Research Department will be hosting an Artifact […]

August Virtual Book Club – Firekeeper’s Daughter

Wednesday, August 28th7PM - 9PMThis is a virtual event. Looking to expand your reading list and discuss a variety of issues and topics important to Native people? Please join our […]

A Presentation on the Nolumbeka Project with Jennifer Lee

The Institute for American Indian Studies 38 Curtis Road, Washington, CT, United States

Saturday, August 31st1PM - 3PMIn Person and Virtual Program The Nolumbeka Project is an organization based in Massachusetts dedicated to providing information about the histories, cultures, and persistence of Northeastern […]

From The Earth and the Sea: Annual Clambake Fundraiser

Riverwalk Pavilion 11A School Street, Washington Depot, CT, United States

Saturday, September 14th6PMRiverwalk Pavilion, 11A School St, Washington Depot Savor local Indigenous foods of lobster, clams, corn, and potatoes as we come together to celebrate Indigenous peoples of Connecticut. This […]