Annual Maple Sugar Festival

The Institute for American Indian Studies 38 Curtis Road, Washington, CT, United States

Saturday, March 2nd 11:00AM - 4:00PM Looking for a sweet end to the winter months? As the days get warmer, but the nights remain cold, it’s the right condition for […]

Artifact ID Day with IAIS Research Department

The Institute for American Indian Studies 38 Curtis Road, Washington, CT, United States

Saturday, March 16th 1:00PM - 4:00PM Do you have any stone artifacts or Northeastern Native American cultural items? Between 1:00 and 4:00pm, our Research Department will be hosting an Artifact […]

Sunday Fun Day Workshop – Birch Trees: Peeling Back the Layers

The Institute for American Indian Studies 38 Curtis Road, Washington, CT, United States

Sunday, March 17th 1:00PM - 3:00PM The IAIS Education Department frequently offers family-friendly educational workshops on Sunday afternoons.  This year, many of our Sunday Fun Day workshops feature the teachings […]

Moccasin Workshop with Darlene Kascak

The Institute for American Indian Studies 38 Curtis Road, Washington, CT, United States

Sunday, March 30th 11:00AM - 2:00PM Did you know: the word moccasin comes from the Algonkian word meaning shoe or footwear? Traditional Native American clothing varies widely from tribe to […]

The Sounds and Sights of Spring: Ecology Hike with Susan Scherf

The Institute for American Indian Studies 38 Curtis Road, Washington, CT, United States

Saturday, April 13th 10:00AM - 1:00PM Native peoples traditionally recognized that all beings are related and that animals and plants can be our teachers. With the changes in the season, […]

Brick Stitch Beading Workshop with Eva Newell

The Institute for American Indian Studies 38 Curtis Road, Washington, CT, United States

Saturday, May 11th1:00PM - 3:00PMFor thousands of years, many Native peoples have decorated clothing and items with materials found in nature, such as shell, stones, seeds and porcupine quills. In […]

Connecticut Trails Day Walk – Barking Up The RIGHT Tree

The Institute for American Indian Studies 38 Curtis Road, Washington, CT, United States

Sunday, June 2nd10:00AM - 12:00PM Did you know that late spring and early summer is the best season to peel bark off of a tree?  As such, it was the […]

Connecticut Open House Day

The Institute for American Indian Studies 38 Curtis Road, Washington, CT, United States

Saturday, June 8th11:00AM - 4:00PM As part of the 20th annual Connecticut Open House Day, visit the Institute for American Indian Studies to learn about the more than 12,000-year history […]

Building a Community in our Village: Strawberry Moon Volunteer Day at IAIS

The Institute for American Indian Studies 38 Curtis Road, Washington, CT, United States

Saturday, June 15th10:00AM - 12:00PM;1:00PM - 3:00PM For thousands of years, Native communities in the Eastern Woodlands lived in villages consisting of dome-shaped structures called wigwams, made out of saplings, […]